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이 페이지를 번역하거나 기존 번역을 개선할 수 있습니다.



의존성이 증가함에 따라 이것을 해결하는 시간도 늘어납니다. 다른 패키지 관리 툴인 CocoaPods 또는 npm는 중앙 집중식이지만 Swift Package Manager는 그렇지 않습니다. Because of that, SwiftPM needs to resolve dependencies by doing a deep clone of each repository, which can be time-consuming. To address this, Tuist provides an implementation of the Package Registry, so you can download only the commit you actually need. 레지스트리에 있는 패키지는 Swift Package Index를 기반으로 합니다 – 해당 페이지에서 패키지를 찾을 수 있다면 Tuist Registry에서도 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 패키지는 엣지 스토리지를 통해 전세계에 분산되어 제공되며, 패키지를 확인할 때 최소한의 지연 시간으로 이용할 수 있습니다.


To set up and login to the registry, cd into your project's directory and run:

tuist registry setup # Creates a `registries.json` file with the default registry configuration.
tuist registry login # Logs you into the registry.

Now you can access the registry! To resolve dependencies from the registry instead of from source control, continue reading based on your project setup:

To set up the registry on the CI, follow this guide: Continuous integration.

Package registry identifiers

If you want to ensure that the registry is used every time you resolve dependencies, you will need to update dependencies in your Package.swift file to use the registry identifier instead of a URL. The registry identifier is always in the form of {organization}.{repository}. For example, to use the registry for the swift-composable-architecture package, do the following:


The identifier can't contain more than one dot. If the repository name contains a dot, it's replaced with an underscore. For example, the package would have the registry identifier groue.GRDB_swift.

Released under the MIT License.