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Generated project with the XcodeProj-based package integration

When using the XcodeProj-based integration, you can use the --replace-scm-with-registry flag to resolve dependencies from the registry if they are available. Tuist.swift 파일의 installOptions에 추가합니다:

import ProjectDescription

let tuist = Tuist(
    fullHandle: "{account-handle}/{project-handle}",
    project: .tuist(
        installOptions: .options(passthroughSwiftPackageManagerArguments: ["--replace-scm-with-registry"])

If you want to ensure that the registry is used every time you resolve dependencies, you will need to update dependencies in your Tuist/Package.swift file to use the registry identifier instead of a URL. The registry identifier is always in the form of {organization}.{repository}. For example, to use the registry for the swift-composable-architecture package, do the following:

dependencies: [
-   .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")
+   .package(id: "pointfreeco.swift-composable-architecture", from: "0.1.0")

Released under the MIT License.