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Accounts and projects


To use the server, you'll need an account. There are two types of accounts:

  • Personal account: Those accounts are created automaticaly when you sign up and are identified by a handle that's obtained either from the identity provider (e.g. GitHub) or the first part of the email address.
  • Organization account: Those accounts are manually created and are identified by a handle that's defined by the developer. Organizations allow inviting other members to collaborate on projects.

If you are familiar with GitHub, the concept is similar to theirs, where you can have personal and organization accounts, and they are identified by a handle that's used when constructing URLs.


Most operations to manage accounts and projects are done through the CLI. We are working on a web interface that will make it easier to manage accounts and projects.

You can manage the organization through the subcommands under tuist organization. To create a new organization account, run:

tuist organization create {account-handle}


Your projects, either Tuist's or raw Xcode's, need to be integrated with your account through a remote project. Continuing with the comparison with GitHub, it's like having a local and a remote repository where you push your changes. You can use the tuist project to create and manage projects.

Projects are identified by a full handle, which is the result of concatenating the organization handle and the project handle. For example, if you have an organization with the handle tuist, and a project with the handle tuist, the full handle would be tuist/tuist.

The binding between the local and the remote project is done through the configuration file. If you don't have any, create it at Tuist.swift and add the following content:

let tuist = Tuist(fullHandle: "{account-handle}/{project-handle}") // e.g. tuist/tuist


Note that there are some features like binary caching that require you having a Tuist project. If you are using raw Xcode projects, you won't be able to use those features.

Your project's URL is constructed by using the full handle. For example, Tuist's dashboard, which is public, is accessible at, where tuist/tuist is the project's full handle.

Released under the MIT License.