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Synthesized files

Tuist can generate files and code at generation-time to bring some convenience to managing and working with Xcode projects. In this page you'll learn about this functionality, and how you can use it in your projects.

Target resources

Xcode projects support adding resources to targets. However, they present teams with a few challenges, specially when working with a modular project where sources and resources are often moved around:

  • Inconsistent runtime access: Where the resources end up in the final product and how you access them depends on the target product. For example, if your target represents an application, the resources are copied to the application bundle. This leads to code accessing the resources that makes assumptions on the bundle structure, which is not ideal because it makes the code harder to reason about and the resources to move around.
  • Products that don't support resources: There are certain products like static libraries that are not bundles and therefore don't support resources. Because of that, you either have to resort to a different product type, for example frameworks, that might add some overhead on your project or app. For example, static frameworks will be linked statically to the final product, and a build phase is required to only copy the resources to the final product. Or dynamic frameworks, where Xcode will copy both the binary and the resources into the final product, but it'll increase the startup time of your app because the framework needs to be loaded dynamically.
  • Prone to runtime errors: Resources are identified by their name and extension (strings). Therefore, a typo in any of those will lead to a runtime error when trying to access the resource. This is not ideal because it's not caught at compile time and might lead to crashes in release.

Tuist solves the problems above by synthesizing a unified interface to access bundles and resources that abstracts away the implementation details.


Even though accessing resources through the Tuist-synthesized interface is not mandatory, we recommend it because it makes the code easier to reason about and the resources to move around.


Tuist provides interfaces to declare the content of files such as Info.plist or entitlements in Swift. This is useful to ensure consistency across targets and projects, and leverage the compiler to catch issues at compile time. You can also come up with your own abstractions to model the content and share it across targets and projects.

When your project is generated, Tuist will synthesize the content of those files and write them into the Derived directory relative to the directory containing the project that defines them.


We recommend adding the Derived directory to the .gitignore file of your project.

Bundle accessors

Tuist synthesizes an interface to access the bundle that contains the target resources.


The target will contain an extension of the Bundle type that exposes the bundle:

let bundle = Bundle.module


In Objective-C, you'll get an interface {Target}Resources to access the bundle:

NSBundle *bundle = [MyFeatureResources bundle];


If a target product, for example a library, doesn't support resources, Tuist will include the resources in a target of product type bundle ensuring that it ends up in the final product and that the interface points to the right bundle.

Resource accessors

Resources are identified by their name and extension using strings. This is not ideal because it's not caught at compile time and might lead to crashes in release. To prevent that, Tuist integrates SwiftGen into the project generation process to synthesize an interface to access the resources. Thanks to that, you can confidently access the resources leveraging the compiler to catch any issues.

Tuist includes templates to synthesize accessors for the following resource types by default:

Resource typeSynthesized file
Images and colorsAssets+{Target}.swift

Note: You can disable the synthesizing of resource accessors on a per-project basis by passing the disableSynthesizedResourceAccessors option to the project options.

Custom templates

If you want to provide your own templates to synthesize accessors to other resource types, which must be supported by SwiftGen, you can create them at Tuist/ResourceSynthesizers/{name}.stencil, where the name is the camel-case version of the resource.

ResourceTemplate name

If you want to configure the list of resource types to synthesize accessors for, you can use the Project.resourceSynthesizers property passing the list of resource synthesizers you want to use:

let project = Project(resourceSynthesizers: [.string(), .fonts()])


You can check out this fixture to see an example of how to use custom templates to synthesize accessors to resources.

Released under the MIT License.