Gather insights
Tuist can integrate with a server to extend its capabilities. One of those capabilities is gathering insights about your project and builds. All you need is to have an account with a project in the server.
First of all, you'll need to authenticate by running:
tuist auth login
Создание проекта
You can then create a project by running:
tuist project create my-handle/MyApp
# Tuist project my-handle/MyApp was successfully created 🎉 {#tuist-project-myhandlemyapp-was-successfully-created-}
Copy my-handle/MyApp
, which represents the full handle of the project.
Connect projects
After creating the project on the server, you'll have to connect it to your local project. Run tuist edit
and edit the Tuist.swift
file to include the full handle of the project:
import ProjectDescription
let tuist = Tuist(fullHandle: "my-handle/MyApp")
Voilà! You're now ready to gather insights about your project and builds. Run tuist test
to run the tests reporting the results to the server.
Tuist enqueues the results locally and tries to send them without blocking the command. Therefore, they might not be sent immediately after the command finishes. In CI, the results are sent immediately.
Having data from your projects and builds is crucial in making informed decisions. Tuist will continue to extend its capabilities, and you'll benefit from them without having to change your project configuration. Magic, right? 🪄